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Updated May 10, 2001

14. All persons attending Ray Of Hope Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ are required to adhere to the Policy Concerning Minors at Events. Therefore, compliance with this policy shall be mandatory and failure to follow the requirements explained herein shall be a violation of the Policy of Courteous Behavior and subject to disciplinary action pursuant to it.

15. All persons attending Ray Of Hope Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ are reminded herein that Scripture requires obedience to leadership in matters such as this. The members, friends, and attendees of Ray Of Hope Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ enjoy a completely elected clergy and leadership, and so it is obvious that those elected and appointed by us would be attuned to our desires. Further, since we pray for and with our leadership, and we require of them and ourselves to listen to the Holy Spirit, we can be confident that our obedience to a policy such as this is the Will Of God for us individually and as a congregation. Therefore, we implore everyone to adhere to this policy out of love for Christ, our Christian Community, and each other. An offense against this policy obviously is an offense to Christ, our Christian Community, each other, and a person or persons wrongly victimized. For Scripture admonishes us:

Heb 13:17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls and will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with sighing--for that would be harmful to you.

Let us continue in our efforts to bring young people, infants through adults, to Christ, to the Gospel of Freedom, and to Ray Of Hope Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We have much to share with young people and it is to this aim that we have developed this policy to assure their protection and freedom while they grow up among us. May God bless all the children and young people whom God will bring our way. Amen.

Section 3.2: The Selection And Screening Of All Persons In Leadership And Assisting Leadership

All persons, paid or volunteer, who assist and/or lead youth and children's programs must be screened with the following process: 1) complete initial screening form; 2) completion of a criminal records check authorization form (the person being checked upon bears all expenses in the process); 3) reference checks with a written record of responses; 4) a criminal records check initiated and paid for by the applicant; and, 5) a personal interview.

Applicants who have been convicted or have pled guilty to criminal charges of sexual abuse or molestation will be required to submit more information including, but not necessarily limited to, official court papers surrounding the charges, possible psychological testing, official papers confirming successful completion, and/or content of related counseling, and any other papers or interviews we may deem necessary. The norm will be to not place persons with previous convictions in positions of responsibility over children.

Persons must be a Member of Ray Of Hope Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ for six months before being considered for a position working with children and/or youth.

Section 3.3: The Supervision Of Leadership and Volunteers:

3.3.A Reporting (Alleged And Actual) Incidents Of Child Abuse

All known and suspected cases of child (under 17) abuse are to be phoned in on the hotline as soon as possible from the time of knowing the information. Telephone: 1-800-635-1522.

When you have gained information about alleged child abuse by a person with Ray Of Hope Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ that has allegedly happened during involvement with the church:

1) Report the information to 1-800-635-1522
2) Call the Pastor and the Moderator.
Pastor: Rev. Br. Benedict 1-800-367-1463 or 315-471-6618 or 607- 275-9983
3) The Moderator will telephone the Police. If the Moderator is not available, the Pastor will telephone the police. The Moderator and Pastor will confirm your report of the information to 1-800-635-1522.

4) The Moderator will call an emergency meeting with the Pastor and the Council and a Leadership Team if one is involved.

5) The Pastors and Moderator will make contact immediately with the family of the child to assure our support, comfort, empathy and concern. If a family member is the suspected offender, then follow the instructions of the local police.

Keep a written documentation of all actions you are taking during this process, noting calls made, time, length and content of calls and conversations regarding this alleged misconduct.

The alleged offender is to be removed from the activities of the church until such a time as law enforcement officials resolve the allegations.

The alleged offender is entitled to pastoral care.

When answering all investigative questions have a minimum of one other Church Councilperson present. NEVER answer questions without at least one other Church Council member present. There should be a lawyer present as well.

The Council will draft a public statement, in consultation with legal advice, to be given to the Congregation, and the media (if necessary). The Council will designate a spokesperson, if the media makes inquiries. Do avoid giving details of the allegations in any public statements. Be sure it is clear our first and primary concern is for the alleged victim and their family and friends. The alleged victim is to be the center of our after care when an alleged incident happens.

All allegations will be investigated and responded to immediately. All allegations shall be taken seriously.

The alleged victim, their friends or family is never to be blamed for any of the circumstances, or any of the reactions the allegations may cause in the church. The alleged victim must always receive unreserved support from the leadership of the church.

3.3.B Participation Of Children And Youth In Worship General Church Activities Direct Quotation from Rev. Eastman

"What is the responsibility of the church for children and youth attending worship services and general activities open to all people who wish to attend? Generally, churches are responsible only for injuries that result from negligence. Churches are not the guarantors of the safety and well being of those who attend worship or participate in church activities. Churches cannot control and are not responsible for the actions of church members or visitors outside of the church. Within the church premises and at ANY church activity, churches should take all reasonable measures to prevent actions that could be expected to be injurious. Churches are usually held responsible when they are found negligent in hiring a worker who caused an injury, or when supervising an activity during which an injury occurred. Proper supervision requires the taking of specific, appropriate procedures for the protection of children or youth from harmful activities of behavior which are foreseeable. Negligence does not consist of failing to take extraordinary measures which hindsight demonstrates would have been helpful. There is a simple, common sense standard: reasonable care. What would a reasonable person do under similar circumstances?

When should parental permission be obtained for participation of minors in activities of the church? For any specific program designed exclusively for children or youth, permission should be obtained within the provisions of the risk management measures discussed previously in this section. This is especially important for any overnight activities or activities off the church premises. For services of worship or other activities which are also open to the public, parental permission is not necessary." FROM: Risk Prevention & Response In The Local Church by Rev. Don Eastman.


Unless a Ray Of Hope Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ clergyperson is trained and certified as a psychologist or licensed psychotherapist, they are not to engage in any type of psychological counseling for which they are not licensed by applicable civil laws and do not hold appropriate credentials. The Ray Of Hope Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ License To Ministry, and/or Ordination does not license one to do such counseling.

Ray Of Hope Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ clergy does not provide Pastoral "counseling" in any form. Pastors are allowed to provide Pastoral visits, and spiritual guidance only.

"Pastoral Care" shall not include any type of "counseling" by clergy who do not hold counseling, psychiatric, or psychological licenses and degrees.

4.1 Sexual Exploitation Of Persons By Leadership

Quotation from the Ray Of Hope Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Bylaws, section: "Unbecoming Conduct for Church Leadership"

"A person in a leadership position is guilty of unbecoming conduct who...... misuses the powers of any pastoral or other Church office for personal sexual gain; engages in any sexual relations with persons who have not attained the age of consent...... engages in sexual relations as a supervisor or counselor with any person he or she supervises or counsels....."

4.2 Indications For Immediate Referral In Pastoral Visitations

4.2. Substance or behavioral addiction or abuse - includes any illicit chemical such as marijuana, amphetamines, etc.; prescription medications; alcohol; food (bingeing & purging or anorexia); inhalants (correction fluid, paint); sexual behavior.

4.2.b Clinical signs of a significant affective disorder (anxiety, depression) - includes recent changes in sleep patterns, appetite, weight, activity level, concentration, lack of enjoyment, suicidal rumination, plan or intent, and past suicide attempts; or thought disorder (psychosis) - includes hallucinations (auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, gustatory) and delusions (fixed belief system not based in reality - example: "my neighbors are all FBI agents who listen to me day and night and now I think they're poisoning my food.")

4.2.c Emotional or physical abuse in a current relationship.

4.2.d Significant issues related to being a survivor of emotional/physical/sexual abuse. Often, the individual will already be participating in psychotherapy for these issues. It may be helpful for the pastoral representative to secure consent for release of information from the individual for the purpose of professional consultation between the individual's psychotherapist and pastoral counselor. This is most useful if pastoral visits extend beyond one session and if there are specific safety concerns for the individual, including suicidal ideation.

4.2.e Warning Signs in Pastoral Visiting

Below are some examples of possible indications that the individual's needs/issues exceed the realm of Pastoral Visitation. if any of the following were observed, the pastoral should seek immediate consultation with a professional psychotherapist as to necessary action.

Difficulty maintaining focus on spiritual issues - the visitation continually digresses to issues of mental health/emotional nature, relationship problems, addictions, past abuse, etc.

Inappropriate level of interest in the pastor - the person seeking help asks questions of a personal nature which could include romantic, relationships, sex, interests, past experiences, abuse survivor, etc.

Dissociative episodes - the person seeking help states they cannot remember the last couple minutes of conversation, becomes overwhelmed emotionally and "check out" temporarily, vivid flashbacks of past abuse, etc.

Idealization of the pastor - the person seeking help deems the pastor only person capable of healing and helping him/her, seeks an increase in frequency or duration of sessions, brings counselor gifts/cards, writes pastor poetry/songs, requests meetings outside the pastor's office or inappropriate hours, calls frequently outside of scheduled counseling times, resistant to termination of pastoral visits and resistant to counseling referral.


From the September/October 1992 issue of Church Law & Tax Report and the November/December 1991 issue of Foundation News. as taken from Rev. Eastman:

"Churches in the United States enjoy exemption from federal income taxes by provision of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. This tax-exempt status requires that a church be organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, educational, or any other tax exempt purpose :no substantial part of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office."


The following statement shall be incorporated in all worship bulletins:

Ray Of Hope Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ welcomes all youth and children to worship with us and participate in our activities. We endeavor to provide a safe and non-threatening environment for all children. To this end, we have a Policy Concerning Minors at Events, which is available from the Clerk upon request. Please enjoy your visit with us, and we hope you will return.

Brother Shawn F. Benedict

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Copyright © 2001 Br. Shawn Francis Benedict.
Page created 27 April 2001. Last updated ____, 2001 at _:00 _PM.
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